What we offer you
Household Tasks
At Joyful Disability Services, the support we provide focuses on giving people as much as control as possible over their life, from doing household chores to supporting people to eat and drink on their own. We also help our clients with essential tasks that they are not able to undertake such as meal preparation and delivery. We have years of experience of providing the very best support to people in residential care.
We offer travel/transport options for people with varying abilities to live wherever and however they choose. We ensure that our clients reach their destination hassle-free, safe and secure. Our services includes rental of adapted vehicle.
Assist-Life Stage, Transition
It includes short and long-term support that focus on strengthening the participant’s ability to coordinate their supports, and to assist them to live at home and participate in their community. Includes support connection, Coordination of supports, Assistance with accommodation and tenancy obligations, Life transition planning including mentoring, peer support and individual skill development ï assistance with decision making, daily planning, budgeting.
Development-Life Skills
Development of daily living and life skills focusing on training and development activities undertaken by the participant or their career to increase their ability to live as autonomously as possible, including supports that will enhance the ability of the participant to travel and use public transport independently.
Community Nursing Care
Coming Soon
Participate Community
Assisting participants to participate actively in community, social and civic activities; includes supporting participants during these activities, and developing participants’ ability to partake in these activities.
Innovative Community Participation
We Providing support to individuals to participate in mainstream activities. You’ll have the chance to be social, get creative or enjoy – you choose. This enable them to become more independent, productive and integrated into the community.
Group/Centre Activities
At joyful disability services, we encourage people with disabilities to take part in group based community, social and recreational activities. This helps in encouraging independence, dignity, and quality of life.
Assist-Personal Activities
Assisting with and/or supervising personal tasks of daily life. These individual supports can be provided in a range of environments, including but not limited to, the participant’s own home.